Blog Articles

Red Light Therapy Facial...Best LED Facial in Los Angeles
Posted by Natalie Michele onBuh Bye Fine Lines & Wrinkles! Want a great way to keep your skin in Shape as You Age? You need a RED Light Therapy Facial ASAP! Ready to nerd out, Red Light Therapy Facial 630-670 nm uses low intensity light that relieves issues involving pain, inflammation, circulation, and aging...

Blue LED Light Therapy Facial...Best Facial in Los Angeles!
Posted by Natalie Michele onGot a Pimple? Kill it! Want a great way to KILL Acne? You need a Blue LED Light Therapy Facial ASAP! Ready to nerd out, Blue LED Light Therapy Facial 400-450 nmuses low intensity light that relieves issues involving acne, bacteria, and inflammation. Recently, it has been shown to improve inflammatory skin...

UVA & UVB are ruining your Anti-Aging Facial!
Posted by Natalie Michele onWhat to improve your facial results? Start protecting your skin from UVB & UVA. UVA & UVB The two types of ultraviolet radiation that we tend to be concern with the most is UVA and UVB. Both damage the skin, age it prematurely and increase your risk of skin cancer....
- Tags: All Posts

There's Nothing Girly about Skin Care! Facials & Skin Care for Men.
Posted by Natalie Michele onThere's a weird stigma that some men have about skin care. I've heard the silliest things about men getting facials. "Aren't facials for girls?" No, last time I checked men have skin too. "But I'm not a very MetroSexual kinda guy." Showering isn't a metro-sexual thing, neither are facials. Sometimes...
- Tags: All Posts, Men's Skincare

Is Your Skin Different to a Woman's skin?
Posted by Natalie Michele onMen's Facials usually address issues commonly associated with men. But it's my belief that even though there are common traits in men's skin - there is not a one size fits all when treating men. So, my answer is... Yes and No Men tend to have more collagen and elastin...
- Tags: All Posts, Men's Skincare